Related topics: fire

NASA: Rim Fire update Aug. 27, 2013

Fire crews had their hands full with very active fire behavior today. Near Duckwall Ridge, the fire spotted across the line with crews working to control the spot.

NASA image: Fires in Idaho and Montana

Fires that started in July continue on in late August in Idaho and Montana. Actively burning areas, detected by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer's (MODIS) thermal bands, are outlined in red.

NASA image: Wildfires persist in California

Several fires are currently raging in central and northern California. These fires can be seen in this natural-color Terra satellite image taken by the MODIS instrument on August 18, 2013.

NASA image: Two wildfires in Idaho

NASA's Aqua satellite captured this image of Idaho's two large fires on August 10, 2013. The fires consist of the Pony Complex fire (left) and the Beaver Creek Complex fire (right). Both sets of fires were started by lightning ...

Extreme wildfires likely fueled by climate change

Climate change is likely fueling the larger and more destructive wildfires that are scorching vast areas of the American West, according to new research led by Michigan State University scientists.

Plants do communicate—and kin relationship has a bearing

If you're a sagebrush and your nearby kin is being eaten by a grasshopper, deer, jackrabbit, caterpillar or other predator, it's good to be closely related. Through volatile (chemical) cues, your kin will inform you of the ...

Image: Wildfires in Washington State

The summer of 2012 will unfortunately be known as the "Summer of Devastating Western Wildfires" and practically not one state out west was spared. Washington State has been hardest hit of late. This satellite image shows ...

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