Related topics: sharks

Prosthetic fin could save injured rare turtles

Researchers from AUT BioDesign Lab have developed a prosthetic fin to rehabilitate injured sea turtles. Healthy oceans need sea turtles, but they are unfortunately frequently injured by human factors such as boats and fishing ...

Goby fins have fingertip touch sensitivity

Groping around in your bag for your keys can be a daily ordeal. I'm not going to list the catalogue of junk in my bag, but I can distinguish every article by touch. Our fingertips are exquisitely engineered, deftly detecting ...

Male fin whales surprise scientists by swapping songs

Until now, scientists believed the male fin whale sings just one song pattern, which is unique to the males in his particular group—but new research has blown this theory out of the water. The study, published in Frontiers ...

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