Voice-detection feature on new iPhone could shake up industry

The new Apple iPhone 4S that was unveiled Tuesday includes a faster chip and more powerful camera than its predecessor, but overall is underwhelming except for one potentially revolutionary new feature: Siri voice-recognition ...

Virtual maps for the blind

The blind and visually impaired often rely on others to provide cues and information on navigating through their environments. The problem with this method is that it doesn't give them the tools to venture out on their own, ...

Researchers characterize Meissner corpuscles in mice

A team of researchers from Harvard Medical School and Stanford University has learned more about the role Meissner corpuscles play in sensing touch in mice. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes ...

Pirate-like flies connect symbiosis to diversity

(Phys.org)—After a year of studying up close the symbiotic relationship between a mosquito-sized bug and a fungus, a Simon Fraser University biologist has advanced the scientific understanding of biological diversity.

A whisker-inspired approach to tactile sensing

Inspired by the twitching whiskers of common rats and Etruscan shrews, European researchers have developed rodent-like robots and an innovative tactile sensor system that could be used to help find people in burning buildings, ...

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