Ancestral background can be determined by fingerprints

A proof-of-concept study finds that it is possible to identify an individual's ancestral background based on his or her fingerprint characteristics – a discovery with significant applications for law enforcement and anthropological ...

Why Do We Have Fingerprints?

( -- Unlike most wrinkles on our bodies, which appear due to bending and stretching of the skin, fingerprints aren't the result of repeated motion. Each of us is born with a unique set of them, although scientists ...

Evil-doers everywhere: Get a whiff of this

The food you eat, the drugs you take, your state of mind, and your gender -- all these make your sweat unique. Tel Aviv University chemists may turn this fact into a new crime-fighting tool that would make Sherlock Holmes ...

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Fingerprint (disambiguation)

A fingerprint is a mark made by the pattern of ridges on the pad of a human finger. The term has been extended by metaphor to anything that can uniquely distinguish a person or object from another, including:

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