Biometric recognition technology in the workplace

In Back to the Future II (1989), fingerprints are used to lock and unlock doors. It's a benign technology, apart from the rise of "thumb bandits" who amputate thumbs. Gattaca (1997) envisages a bleaker future, where corporations ...

Fingerprints, revisited

For more than a century, forensic scientists have linked criminals to crime scenes through the distinctive loops and whorls on their fingertips. But now, researchers are moving beyond simple pattern comparisons to glean more ...

In the game of love, local salmon have a home-ground advantage

Salmon spawning in their home rivers have the edge in mating over those born in other streams. This was the discovery of a new study examining the sex lives of Atlantic salmon in northern Finland. The results show that the ...

Facial recognition for coins

Countless historical coins that differ from each other only in details are in storage at German state museums. Unlike paintings, these archaeological artifacts may not be labeled, marked or barcoded. Researchers at the Fraunhofer ...

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