Never rains but it pours for guano-hit Rome

Weekend rain washed away the dangerous pollution that has afflicted Rome in recent weeks but left city authorities with a new headache: roads and pavements made treacherous by bird droppings.

India court orders truck toll to improve Delhi's toxic air

Diesel-guzzling trucks and commercial vehicles in India will soon have to pay a surcharge for entering New Delhi, after the country's top court Friday approved a trial plan to improve the capital's notoriously filthy air.

Researchers say anti-pollution rules have uncertain effects

Air pollution regulations issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are estimated to save thousands of lives annually. A new study by researchers at Indiana University says these estimates are more uncertain than ...

WHO: Europe's air pollution costs $1.6 trillion a year

Air pollution in Europe causes illnesses and hundreds of thousands of deaths, costing the continent's governments a combined $1.6 trillion each year, the World Health Organization said Tuesday.

Researchers find a new way to clear the air

In 1999, then-Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji said that Beijing's pall of smog "would shorten my life at least five years," a hazard level scientists affirmed two years ago with a study of China's air pollution. That reality that ...

Concern over India plan to stop publishing smog data

Environmental activists expressed concern Wednesday after Indian authorities said they would stop releasing raw air pollution figures for New Delhi, the world's most polluted city.

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