Chile's 'Power-opedia' shines light on elites

Journalists and concerned citizens can now trawl for conflicts of interest among Chile's political and business elites thanks to a new startup based on Wikipedia.

Stock traders look to Facebook, Twitter for tips

The next big stock tip might be as close as a Twitter feed. Professional traders are developing computer programs that scour Internet posts in search of the next stock market darling. Their technology analyzes everything ...

Auditor's report needs significant changes

Every year public companies release a financial statement that includes a report from an auditor. That report provides assurance about the quality of the financial information and is meant to help the company attract investors, ...

Failing the sniff test: Researchers find new way to spot fraud

Companies that commit fraud can find innovative ways to fudge the numbers, making it hard to tell something is wrong by just looking at their financial statements. But research from North Carolina State University unveils ...

Appeals court orders new trial in Brocade case

(AP) -- A federal appeals court has tossed out the criminal conviction of the first Silicon Valley executive to go to trial in a stock options scandal that triggered charges against at least a dozen executives.

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