Startup selection, success, and sustainability

In business, established companies are facing increasing pressure to embrace sustainability. To address this challenge, many incumbents are turning to corporate venturing, a process that involves collaborating with startups ...

Chinese economic growth may never recover from COVID—here's why

Many countries have had to navigate the balancing act of keeping the economy alive versus protecting citizens from COVID in recent years. In China, patience with its zero-COVID policy—one of the world's toughest strategies ...

How might Big Tech affect financial inclusion and stability?

New technologies and widespread internet and smart phone adoption have led to an increased availability of digital financial services, many of which are offered by non-traditional financial-service providers including so-called ...

Study: Child poverty rising after tax credit expires

The number of children in America living in poverty jumped dramatically after just one month without the expanded child tax credit payments, according to a new study. Advocates fear the lapse in payments could unravel what ...

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