Related topics: cyber attack

Bank hacks raise fears for financial sector

A series of spectacular cyber attacks against banks, resulting in the theft of tens of millions of dollars, has heightened fears for an industry becoming an increasingly attractive target for hackers.

Cards with microchips could become more common

The "chip" is coming. Amid relentless revelations of cyberthieves stealing our credit card and other personal data, there's a renewed push to fortify the plastic cards sitting in millions of Americans' wallets.

London-based banks simulate giant cyber-attack

Dozens of London-based banks joined other financial institutions in the capital on Tuesday for a giant exercise to test their defences against a cyber-attack, officials said.

Tech companies eye security that goes beyond passwords

In late February, a thief or thieves cracked into Evernote's digital vault filled with log-ins, passwords and email addresses belonging to 50 million users. It was a shocking cyberattack considering the Redwood City, Calif., ...

US seizes Bitcoin operator accounts

US authorities seized the accounts of a Bitcoin digital currency exchange operator, claiming it was functioning as an "unlicensed money service business," court documents showed Friday.

Hackers stole $45 million in bank card breach (Update)

A worldwide gang of criminals stole $45 million in a matter of hours by hacking their way into a database of prepaid debit cards and then draining cash machines around the globe, federal prosecutors said—and outmoded U.S. ...

As Bitcoin virtual currency soars, bubble fears do too

Some call it the most famous pizza purchase in history: In May 2010, a programmer called Laszlo asked an online forum if anyone would buy him a couple of pies in exchange for 10,000 Bitcoins, an experimental online currency ...

Japan bank to install palm-reading ATMs

A regional bank in central Japan will become the country's first financial institution to adopt automated teller machines that will identify users by their palms.

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