Grow zero-carbon power to meet climate goals: analysis

All new electricity supply growth worldwide can now come from zero-carbon sources, according to a plan released by businesses and environmental advocates Wednesday that charts the path to a net-zero world by 2050.

Study suggests less costly approach to pandemic economic stimulus

In late March, as the COVID-19 coronavirus began spreading swiftly throughout the United States, Congress passed a $2 trillion economic stimulus measure that included one-time direct payments to taxpayers, relief for small ...

New report compares water risk tools for companies and investors

Faced with worsening water security across the globe, companies and investors are increasingly concerned about the water risks faced by their operations, supply chains and investments—and looking for tools to help to assess ...

Leading through COVID: Helping the hardest hit

Even when the economy was roaring along, far too many Americans lacked the savings and support to respond to an unexpected loss of income. The COVID-19 crisis has thrown that fragility into stark relief. We talked with Andrea ...

As pandemic unfolds, fear and finance collide

Despite global efforts to stall the spread of the novel coronavirus, growing fears surrounding the pandemic have caused markets to respond with record-breaking volatility. On Monday, the nation's volatility index, often referred ...

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