Building economic resilience in the face of crises and climate

Research published in the International Journal of Sustainable Economy has looked at the interplay between climate variability and the financial health of listed companies in Vietnam with a particular focus on the impact ...

Balancing social missions with profitability

A study in the International Journal of Business Excellence has revealed how accountability in the performance of social village-owned enterprises (VOEs) is critical to their meeting both their social mission and achieving ...

Swiss vote on net-zero climate law

The Swiss, feeling the impact of global warming on their rapidly melting glaciers, were voting on Sunday on a new climate bill aimed at steering the country towards carbon neutrality by 2050.

Protecting India's tigers also good for climate: Study

India's efforts to protect its endangered tigers have inadvertently helped avoid a large amount of climate change-causing carbon emissions by preventing deforestation, a study said on Thursday.

UN 'survival guide' report an urgent warning on climate

The world will cross the key 1.5-degree Celsius global warming limit in about a decade, the UN said Monday, warning that devastating impacts of climate change are hitting faster than expected.

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