Peer effects, personal characteristics and asset allocation

Both academic researchers and practitioners know that behavioural biases can drive household financial decisions away from standard finance models, and that people don't always follow the professional advice they receive. ...

Overconfidence in new technologies can influence decision-making

Technological advances in recent decades have transformed most aspects of daily life, and technology now plays a major role in business and society. However, little is known about how perceptions of technology might influence ...

Motivating migrants leads to better savings

More than 200 million workers travel abroad to work as maids, construction laborers and at other low-wage jobs. The money they send back home is often essential to their families' survival and homeland's economy.

College students and credit card debt—parents at fault?

Parents need to be good role models to help their children make sensible financial decisions, according to Adam Hancock and his team, from East Carolina University in the US. Their work highlights that parents who argue about ...

IBM's 3Q earnings flat, revenue slides 5 percent (Update)

IBM's revenue slipped below Wall Street's expectations in the third quarter as the technology company dealt with jittery customers and a weakening euro that undercut its results. Despite the problems posed by the wobbly economy, ...

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