New theory links topology and finance

In a new study published in The Journal of Finance and Data Science, a researcher from the International School of Business at HAN University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands introduced the topological tail dependence ...

Debunking the myth of steady male employment

Steady employment has long been the assumed standard associated with the American man, especially by the Baby Boomer generation. New research is pushing back on the archetype and shedding light on the potential consequences ...

Predicting financial crises in e-commerce

A study in the International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering has investigated the e-commerce landscape and how it is affected by financial crises. The insights from the study offer a financial accounting crisis ...

Bridging traditional economics and econophysics

In a new study, researchers of the Complexity Science Hub highlight the connecting elements between traditional financial market research and econophysics. "We want to create an overview of the models that exist in financial ...

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