How one marine chemistry lab slashed their carbon footprint

Laboratories may consume large quantities of plastics, generate waste, and emit greenhouse gases. A report published in PLOS Sustainability and Transformation by Jane Kilcoyne and her colleagues at the Marine Institute, Galway, ...

Why community college students quit despite being almost finished

Community colleges are designed to make college more accessible, yet 6 out of every 10 community college students cannot reap the full rewards of higher education because they do not earn their degree. For graduates, rewards ...

Is it feasible to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?

Last week, the media reported that atmospheric carbon dioxide is at its highest levels in more than 4 million years. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is one of the primary drivers of global warming. The dip in greenhouse ...

The psychological cost of corruption in developing countries

Corruption is a crime which slows economic growth, undermines development, and causes inequality. With a cost to the global economy estimated at around US$2.6 trillion (£1.8 trillion) a year, it is often linked to politics ...

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