This week's Web Winners: Investment help

Sophisticated investors were among victims of Bernard L. Madoff's alleged $50 billion Ponzi scheme. Avoiding financial scams must be even trickier than we thought. These sites might make it easier.

Fooled by your 'friends'

Do not get too friendly with your investment adviser. It lowers your guard and increases your risk of being deceived, warn BI researchers Harald Biong and Kenneth H. Wathne.

Much more to happy retirement than money

(—One of the most common questions people ask when planning for their retirement is how much money they will need, but a more pertinent question is to consider how they want to live, says UNSW  psychologist and ...

Nasdaq trading halts for three hours due to glitch

A mysterious technical glitch halted trading on the Nasdaq for three hours Thursday in the latest major electronic breakdown on Wall Street, embarrassing the stock exchange that hosts the biggest names in technology, including ...

Cult video gaming firm closer to IPO

Leading video game hardware company Razer has secured $50 million from a Beijing-based venture capital fund that takes it potentially closer to a public listing, the company said Wednesday.

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