Iceland to resume disputed fin whale hunt in June

Iceland plans to resume its disputed commercial fin whale hunt in June with a quota of at least 154 whales, the head of the only company that catches the giant mammals said Saturday.

Japan whaling haul at 'record low'

The haul from Japan's whaling mission in the Southern Ocean was a "record low" this year, a government minister said, blaming "unforgivable sabotage" by activists.

Fugitive Sea Shepherd founder hands over reins

The fugitive founder of Sea Shepherd has stepped down from key roles at the militant anti-whaling group, passing the Antarctic harpoon chase mantle to a former Australian politician.

Pilot whales use synchronised swimming when they sense danger

An international team of scientists have observed the behaviour of various groups of cetaceans in the Strait of Gibraltar and Cape Breton in Canada belonging to the Globicephala melas species, which are also known as long-finned ...

Choreography of submerged whale lunges revealed

Returning briefly to the surface for great lungfuls of air, the underwater lifestyles of whales had been a complete mystery until a small group of pioneers from various global institutions – including Malene Simon, Mark ...

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