SRNL filter design reduces waste treatment costs

The redesign of a filtration system by the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) is expected to help the DOE Office of Environmental Management drastically reduce cost and infrastructure for ...

Nanopores make sterile filtration more reliable

Irregular pores, low flow rates: The plastic membrane filters used in sterile filtration do not always ensure that conditions are really sterile. Filter membranes of aluminum oxide are more reliable - the size of the nanopores ...

In the World: Clean Water for Ghana

Nearly 1 billion people do not have access to clean drinking water. The problem is particularly dire in Ghana, where diarrhea causes 25 percent of all deaths of children below the age of five each year, according to UNICEF. ...

How grass buffers keep agricultural herbicides at bay

Grass buffer strips are commonly used in crop production to reduce herbicide runoff. These practices are encouraged through incentives, regulations or laws, and are effective at lowering herbicide concentration in runoff. ...

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