Sunscreen chemicals in water may harm fish embryos

For most people, a trip to the beach involves slathering on a thick layer of sunscreen to protect against sunburn and skin cancer. However, savvy beachgoers know to reapply sunscreen every few hours because it eventually ...

Realization of color filter-free image sensors

A South Korean research team has developed an image sensor that captures vivid colors without color filters. The Korea Research Foundation announced that Professor Dae Sung Chung (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and ...

Researchers offer new technology for liquid-crystal displays

An international research team from Russia, France and Germany has proposed a new method for orienting liquid crystals. It could be used to increase the viewing angle of liquid-crystal displays. The paper was published in ...

The fight for clean emissions continues

It is exactly 20 years since experts from Empa and VERT published the first test results on diesel particle filters. Today, more than 300 million vehicles worldwide are fitted with such filters. However, a VERT conference ...

Why the world needs the humble glass sponge

Recent research from the University of Alberta reveals how fishing practices like trawling may be affecting the health of sponges that act like natural water filters.

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