Digital Entertainer brings PC content to big screen

So there you are with all those videos, photos and MP3 music files, and the only place you can play all that digital entertainment is on your computer. It's probably sequestered away somewhere in the room you've designated ...

Mozilla's pdf.js project reaches its first milestone

( -- You may recall our earlier reporting on the Mozilla's pdf.js project, in which the folks over at Mozilla are trying to get their browser to display PDF files in your Firefox web browser with the help of HTML5.

P2P traffic control

Could a concept from information technology familiar to online file sharers be exploited to reduce road congestion and even traffic accidents? That is the question answered in the affirmative by researchers in California, ...

The 'whole' problem with recycling

Findings from a University of Alberta researcher shed new light on what may be stopping people from recycling more.

Handling trillions of supercomputer files just got simpler

A new distributed file system for high-performance computing available today via the software collaboration site GitHub provides unprecedented performance for creating, updating and managing extreme numbers of files.

Secret messages for Alexa and Co

A team from Ruhr-Universität Bochum has succeeded in integrating secret commands for the Kaldi speech recognition system – which is believed to be contained in Amazon's Alexa and many other systems – into audio files. ...

Review: Windows 7 strong, but don't pay to upgrade

(AP) -- Next week, Microsoft is releasing Windows 7, a slick, much improved operating system that should go a long way toward erasing the bad impression left by its previous effort, Vista.

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