SDO watches giant filament on the Sun

A snaking, extended filament of solar material currently lies on the front of the sun— some 1 million miles across from end to end. Filaments are clouds of solar material suspended above the sun by powerful magnetic forces. ...

Can fair trade plastic save people and the planet?

( —It's old news that open-source 3D printing is cheaper than conventional manufacturing, not to mention greener and incredibly useful for making everything from lab equipment to chess pieces. Now it's time add ...

Unlocking long-hidden mechanisms of plant cell division

Along with copying and splitting DNA during division, cells must have a way to break safely into two viable daughter cells, a process called cytokinesis. But the molecular basis of how plant cells accomplish this without ...

How yeast formations got started

Researchers conducted a comparative analysis of nearly 60 fungal genomes to determine the genetic traits that enabled the convergent evolution of yeasts.

Researchers uncover secrets of internal cell fine-tuning

New research from scientists at the University of Kent has shown for the first time how the structures inside cells are regulated – a breakthrough that could have a major impact on cancer therapy development.

Atomic structure of key muscle component revealed

Actin is the most abundant protein in the body, and when you look more closely at its fundamental role in life, it's easy to see why. It is the basis of most movement in the body, and all cells and components within them ...

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