Revealing the structure of axons

Recent studies have shown that under the axonal membrane, rings composed of actin filaments give the structure its flexibility. But those studies had not been able to define the precise architecture of these rings. By combining ...

It's always a good hair day for Leptothrix cholodnii

When you're only one of trillions, it can be hard to get ahead. That's the problem faced by aquatic bacterium Leptothrix cholodnii, which is often found in the slime-like microbial mats common to mineral-rich bodies of water. ...

New clues about the origin of stellar masses

An international team led by the Astrophysics Department-AIM Laboratory of CEA-Irfu has just obtained new clues about the origin of star mass distribution, combining observational data from the large interferometer ALMA and ...

Once hidden cellular structures emerge in fight against viruses

New University of Arizona-led research has revealed the structure and function of one of bacteria's latest strategies in the fight against viruses: a fleet of highly organized enzymes that provide a rapid immune response ...

The filaments that structure DNA

They play a leading role not only in muscle cells: Actin filaments are one of the most abundant proteins in all mammalian cells. The filigree structures form an important part of the cytoskeleton and locomotor system. Cell ...

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