Image: BepiColombo in the spotlight

BepiColombo is Europe's first mission to Mercury. It will set off in 2017 on a journey to the smallest and least explored terrestrial planet in our Solar System, following in the footsteps of Mariner 10 and Messenger.

Living in space—and on Earth—is a balancing act

According to doctors, sometimes the best treatment for what ails you is rest. A new joint investigation by NASA and the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) may challenge that notion.

Researchers develop fast test for invasive carp

A Case Western Reserve University graduate student turned a research paper into a field test that quickly determines whether an Asian carp invading Lake Erie is sterile or can reproduce.

Elderly crickets are set in their ways, study finds

As insects grow old their behaviour becomes increasingly predictable according to new research published in the journal Behavioural Ecology. The study, which set out to understand how personality alters with age, found that ...

Early warning system for dikes passes field test

Sensors and intelligent systems for analyzing sensor data can detect damage to dikes at an early stage, and thus protect longer dike segments as well. Technology developed by Siemens for this has now passed its field test, ...

Test one's blood with the screen of a cellphone

( —Using the properties of a smartphone screen to perform blood tests: the device developed by Qloudlab allows at-home analysis in less than a minute. The expanded diagnostics will be used to help people undergoing ...

ESA rover completes exploring Mars-like desert

( —Braving high winds, dust devils and unpredictable terrain, ESA's test rover has completed its exploration across – and under – Chile's Mars-like Atacama Desert.

'Balancing' the one-year mission risks

If you've ever stumbled out of bed in the middle of the night, fallen out of a yoga pose or had trouble "finding your legs" after hopping off a rollercoaster or a boat, then you know getting your balance can be challenging. ...

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