Physicist explains significance of Higgs boson discovery

In July, physicists were ecstatic in announcing preliminary results pointing to the discovery of the long-sought Higgs boson particle. The Higgs boson is a tiny subatomic particle that apparently weighs about 130 times as ...

Novel, low-cost metal-forming process using a magnetic field

European scientists developed a novel foundry process using moulds formed by 'binding' metallic particles with application of a magnetic field. The process produced high-quality, complex parts at a very competitive cost.

The electric atmosphere: Plasma is next NASA science target

Our day-to-day lives exist in what physicists would call an electrically neutral environment. Desks, books, chairs and bodies don't generally carry electricity and they don't stick to magnets. But life on Earth is substantially ...

The Big Bang versus the 'Big Bounce'

Two fundamental concepts in physics, both of which explain the nature of the Universe in many ways, have been difficult to reconcile with each other. European researchers developed a mathematical approach to do so that has ...

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