New fibers and membranes for high-tech products

Nothing escapes the attention of research and development scientists, and now is the turn of industrial garments and household textiles! Manufacturers can now take advantage of new raw materials, fibers and membranes, not ...

Plastics and nanoparticles are the perfect combination

These days, plastic components are vital to many fields of industry - lightweight construction, automobile manufacturing and electrical engineering, to name but a few. Now researchers have found ingenious ways to combine ...

Fibers that can hear and sing

For centuries, "man-made fibers" meant the raw stuff of clothes and ropes; in the information age, it's come to mean the filaments of glass that carry data in communications networks. But to Yoel Fink, an Associate professor ...

Cotton Could Serve as Cleanup Medium for Oil Spill: Researchers

( -- The same Texas Tech-created nonwoven cotton technology that keeps soldiers safe from chemical and biological warfare agents may also serve as the perfect sponge for sopping up oil that has polluted the Gulf ...

No more blisters thanks to innovative socks

Swiss researchers and experts from armasuisse have developed novel socks which reduce the chances of blisters forming on the wearer’s feet.

Ordinary T-shirts could become body armor

( -- A simple cotton T-shirt may one day be converted into tougher, more comfortable body armor for soldiers or police officers.

Made easy with light

( -- Lightweight, sturdy, and non-corrosive: fiber-reinforced thermoplastics are an ideal material for making boats and cars, and for aerospace engineering. But up to now, processing the raw materials was considered ...

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