Ring in the New Year with less food waste

While fighting food waste is a year-round mission, it's more important than ever around the holidays. This is something to consider during this year's festivities, typically known for an abundance of food.

Christmas can be hazardous for pets: What to look out for

Christmas is a wonderful time to relax with family and friends, both two and four legged. But it can be a scary and dangerous time for pets. Food, presents, decorations and even visitors to our homes can all become hazards. ...

The user journey behind socially electric live event experience

Researchers from University of Bath, University of Melbourne, and King's College London published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that explains a four-stage process that can help firms create pleasurable social atmospheres ...

Study confirms Ultra Music Festival likely stressful to fish

A new study published in the Journal Environmental Pollution by researchers at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science found that the Ultra Music Festival was likely stressful to toadfish.

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