Physicists discover 'magnetotoroidic effect'

( -- For many years, scientists have known about the magnetoelectric effect, in which an electric field can induce and control a magnetic field, and vice versa. In this effect, the electric field has always been ...

Novel magnetic material operates under extreme stress conditions

( -- Ferromagnetic materials are key ingredients in vast arrays of technologies including wind turbines, computer hard-disks, credit card readers, and many more. Typically these magnets operate in moderate environments. ...

Ultrathin copper-oxide layers behave like quantum spin liquid

( -- Magnetic studies of ultrathin slabs of copper-oxide materials reveal that at very low temperatures, the thinnest, isolated layers lose their long-range magnetic order and instead behave like a "quantum spin ...

Mediating magnetism

( -- Titanium oxide doped with cobalt produces magnetic properties at room temperature via a newly discovered mechanism.

Ferromagnetism plus superconductivity

It seems impossible: Scientists from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the TU Dresden (Germany) were able to verify with an intermetallic compound of bismuth and nickel that certain materials actually exhibit the ...

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