Related topics: nasa · gamma rays · space telescope

Physicists elucidate connection between symmetry and Mott physics

Initially regarded as a scientific curiosity upon its discovery in 1911 by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, superconductivity has provided physicists with numerous theoretical challenges and experimental surprises. From the development ...

New FRII radio galaxy detected by astronomers

Astronomers report the detection of a new Fanaroff-Riley Class II (FRII) radio galaxy using various telescopes.The newly found galaxy turns out to be a peculiar gamma-ray emitting source. The discovery was detailed in a paper ...

Cosmic 'spider' found to be source of powerful gamma-rays

Using the 4.1-meter SOAR Telescope in Chile, astronomers have discovered the first example of a binary system where a star in the process of becoming a white dwarf is orbiting a neutron star that has just finished turning ...

Energizer atoms: Physicists find new way to keep atoms excited

JILA researchers have tricked nature by tuning a dense quantum gas of atoms to make a congested "Fermi sea," thus keeping atoms in a high-energy state, or excited, for about 10% longer than usual by delaying their normal ...

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