New FRII radio galaxy detected by astronomers

Astronomers report the detection of a new Fanaroff-Riley Class II (FRII) radio galaxy using various telescopes.The newly found galaxy turns out to be a peculiar gamma-ray emitting source. The discovery was detailed in a paper ...

Fermi mission creates 14-year time-lapse of the gamma-ray sky

The cosmos comes alive in an all-sky time-lapse movie made from 14 years of data acquired by NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Our sun, occasionally flaring into prominence, serenely traces a path through the sky against ...

Fermi Telescope probes 'dragons' of the gamma-ray sky

One of the pleasures of perusing ancient maps is locating regions so poorly explored that mapmakers warned of dragons and sea monsters. Now, astronomers using NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope find themselves in the ...

Gamma rays from a dwarf galaxy solve an astronomical puzzle

A glowing blob known as "the cocoon," which appears to be inside one of the enormous gamma-ray emanations from the center of our galaxy dubbed the "Fermi bubbles," has puzzled astronomers since it was discovered in 2012.

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