Why unions matter for nursing

In recent years, organized labor participation has risen in the United States, with workers collectively negotiating for better wages and equitable working conditions. Nurses are organizing at a particularly high rate; according ...

New book traces trajectory of feminism in modern China

Even before creating a constitution, the first thing the victorious revolutionaries of the People's Republic of China did was pass the New Marriage Law in 1950, giving women equal rights and creating a fundamentally feminist ...

How Tumblr raised a generation of feminists

Like so many millennials, my teenage years on the multimedia microblogging platform, Tumblr, introduced me to feminist politics, which inspired my burgeoning interest in gender and feminism at university. My experiences as ...

More male fish "feminized" by pollution on the Basque coast

The UPV/EHU's Cell Biology in Environmental Toxicology group has conducted research using thick-lipped grey mullet and has analysed specimens in six zones: Arriluze and Gernika in 2007 and 2008, and since then, Santurtzi, ...

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