Chemical communication between female rats exists and is complex

Scent marking is a communication strategy for many mammals. These scent marks provide key information about the animals that leave them, with those animals that detect them often changing their behavior in response to them.

New study shows rats can make friends

Rats choose carefully who they spend time with, according to a new study published today. Published by researchers from the Universities of Portsmouth and Lincoln, the study found that male rats have preferred partners in ...

Rats avoid hurting other rats

Most humans feel bad about hurting others. This so-called "harm aversion" is key to normal moral development and is reduced in violent antisocial individuals. Unfortunately, little is known about what makes people harm-averse, ...

Dutch police recruit rodents to rat on criminals

The latest species to join Dutch police is hard at work behind the blacked-out windows of a building in Rotterdam: rats learning to sniff out crime and a new forensic future.

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