Growing biofilms actively alter host environment, study reveals

Dental plaque, gut bacteria and the slippery sheen on river rocks are all examples of biofilms, organized communities of microorganisms that colonize our bodies and the world around us. A recent study led by Penn State researchers ...

Quantum tool opens door to uncharted phenomena

Entanglement is a quantum phenomenon where the properties of two or more particles become interconnected in such a way that one cannot assign a definite state to each individual particle anymore. Rather, we have to consider ...

Study reveals how corals control their algae population

A new study, published by KAUST researchers in Nature Communications, shows that corals, jellyfish, and other symbiotic cnidarians control their symbiotic algae by limiting the amount of nitrogen available for proliferation.

Even low levels of artificial light disrupt ecosystems

A new collection of papers on artificial light at night show the impact of light pollution to be surprisingly far-reaching, with even low levels of artificial light disrupting species communities and entire ecosystems. Published ...

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