Crown-of-thorns starfish thrive in degraded coral habitats

Research into one of the most persistent coral predators on the Great Barrier Reef has revealed a troubling paradox in reef ecosystems: the crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) appears to thrive in the very conditions of coral ...

STEM afterschool programs' benefits extend to friend groups

Research has established that youth participation in science-focused afterschool clubs leads to a higher science identity—or seeing oneself as a science kind of person or as a scientist—and that peers exert influence ...

How vegetation could impact the climate of exoplanets

The term "habitable zone" is a broad definition that serves a purpose in our age of exoplanet discovery. But the more we learn about exoplanets, the more we need a more nuanced definition of habitable.

Arctic heat waves linked to sea ice loss, new study reveals

Amid global warming, heat waves are striking even the Arctic, a region once considered immune to such extreme weather events. Recent research reveals that these heat waves, particularly in the Barents-Kara Sea (BKS) during ...