New iPhone app in US targets child predators (Update)

The US Department of Homeland Security enlisted smartphone users in its fight against child pornography Thursday with an iPhone app intended to make it easier to report suspected child predators.

Documents show Secret Service kept tabs on Swartz

Documents show that the U.S. Secret Service played a role in the federal investigation of free-information activist Aaron Swartz and watched his case until he committed suicide.

Chinese businessman's plan produces few cars, jobs

In October 2009, GreenTech Automotive Inc.'s owner, Chinese businessman Xiaolin "Charles" Wang, unveiled four prototype cars during a flashy ceremony and promised to build a $2 billon plant in Mississippi, the poorest state ...

US spies not wanted at infamous hacker meet

Revelations about a US Internet surveillance program have chilled the relationship between federal authorities and an infamous Def Con hacker gathering.

US followed Boeing's lead on 787 battery testing (Update 3)

U.S. regulators let Boeing help write the safety conditions for the problematic battery system in its beleaguered 787 "Dreamliner," prescribe how to test it and carry out those tests itself, according to testimony and documents ...

FBI snooping tactic ruled unconstitutional (Update)

A US judge has ordered the FBI to stop its "pervasive" use of National Security letters to snoop on phone and email records, ruling Friday that the widespread tactic was unconstitutional.

Smartphone makers post wins on separate continents

Apple and Samsung, the world's top two smartphone makers, each scored a significant victory on different continents that will allow both to keep selling their products without legal interference this holiday season.

NY judge gives poker money man jail for bank fraud

(AP)—A man who processed money illegally for three Internet poker companies whose U.S. operations eventually were shut down was sentenced on Wednesday to five months in prison by a judge who said he played a "catch me if ...

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