Nation's fight against cyber intruders goes local

The next frontier in the fight to keep crucial electronic networks safe from harm will play out as close to home as Town Hall and require more involvement from private industry, which controls 85 percent of the infrastructure, ...

Home of suspected LulzSec member raided: WSJ

US Federal Bureau of Investigation agents carried out a raid on the home of an Ohio man suspected of being a member of the Lulz Security hacker group, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

LulzSec computer hackers release Arizona state files

Computer hackers who have hit the websites of the CIA, US Senate, Sony and others have released hundreds of documents from the Arizona Department of Public Safety (AZDPS) in their latest cyberattack.

Google facing wide-ranging US antitrust probe

The US Federal Trade Commission is poised to open a formal antitrust probe into whether Internet search giant Google has abused its dominance on the Web, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

New ID theft targets kids' SS numbers

(AP) -- The latest form of identity theft doesn't depend on stealing your Social Security number. Now thieves are targeting your kid's number long before the little one even has a bank account.

Cyber-terrorism a real and growing threat: FBI

Terrorists, crooks and nation states are ramping up cyber-assaults that are eating away at data, cash and security in the United States, the head of the FBI warned.

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