Hackers dog LA police canine association

Members of hacker group Anonymous took credit Thursday for an online raid of the Los Angeles Police Canine Association and the posting of personal and potentially embarrassing information.

US review traces massive New Mexico fire to planned burns

Two fires that merged to create the largest wildfire in New Mexico history have both been traced to planned burns set by U.S. forest managers as preventative measures, federal investigators announced Friday.

No evidence US government accounts hacked: official

The White House has no reason to believe that Gmail accounts of senior government officials were hacked in a cyber spying campaign originating in China, an official said Wednesday.

FBI widens probe of naked celebrity photos

The FBI vowed Monday to widen a probe into the massive hacking of naked celebrity photos if necessary, after new reported leaks including nude shots of Kim Kardashian.

Drop in US crime reveals complex role of poverty

A plunge in US violent crime over the last two years despite the economic downturn appears to confirm what experts have long known -- that poverty alone does not drive delinquency.

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