Internet firm fought court order in WikiLeaks case

A small California-based Internet provider is the second company to confirm it fought back against a court demanding a customer's account information as part of a criminal investigation into the release of documents by WikiLeaks.

FBI smashes US-Egypt cyber 'phishing' ring

Investigators in the United States and Egypt have smashed a computer "phishing" identity theft scam described as the biggest cyber-crime investigation in US history, officials said Wednesday.

Hacker group draws increased scrutiny from feds

(AP) -- Anonymous is not so anonymous anymore. The computer hackers, chat room denizens and young people who comprise the loosely affiliated Internet collective have increasingly turned to questionable tactics, drawing the ...

LulzSec computer hackers release Arizona state files

Computer hackers who have hit the websites of the CIA, US Senate, Sony and others have released hundreds of documents from the Arizona Department of Public Safety (AZDPS) in their latest cyberattack.

lobSTR algorithm rolls DNA fingerprinting into 21st century

As any crime show buff can tell you, DNA evidence identifies a victim's remains, fingers the guilty, and sets the innocent free. But in reality, the processing of forensic DNA evidence takes much longer than a 60-minute primetime ...

Handheld Touch Screen Device May Lead to Mobile Fingerprint ID

( -- The Federal Bureau of Investigation Hostage Rescue Team had a problem -- they needed a small, portable tool to identify fingerprints and faces, but couldn't get anyone interested in building a solution for ...

Documents show Secret Service kept tabs on Swartz

Documents show that the U.S. Secret Service played a role in the federal investigation of free-information activist Aaron Swartz and watched his case until he committed suicide.

Internet doomsday virus appears to fizzle

The so-called Internet doomsday virus with the potential to black out tens of thousands of computers worldwide appeared to pose no major problems Monday after a temporary fix expired.

Feds probe Uber's tracking of Lyft drivers (Update)

The Justice Department in Manhattan is investigating whether Uber illegally used software to track drivers for Lyft, its main ride-hailing competitor, to gain an advantage in attracting and recruiting drivers, according to ...

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