3-D model could help manage US bridge maintenance crisis

Nearly one out of every nine bridges in the United States is deemed structurally deficient and potentially dangerous, according to the Federal Highway Administration. It would cost an estimated $70 billion to catch up with ...

Brighten up! Paint study could save states millions

A new study from North Carolina State University shows that painted road markings, such as the lines separating traffic lanes, are significantly better at reflecting headlights in the direction that the paint was applied. ...

Women drivers closing the mileage gap

While men still drive more miles annually, women are slowly catching up, says a University of Michigan researcher.

House: Private laptop theft from US hits 'most vulnerable'

The top watchdogs in the House demanded to know Tuesday why a personal laptop taken from a federal building in Washington state was used to conduct child-support audits, especially because it and other stolen hard drives ...

Women drivers outnumber men, but still drive less

Although women drivers now outnumber male motorists, men still account for the majority of the driving on America's roads—albeit at a declining rate, says a University of Michigan researcher.

Want safe travels? Find freeways with these features

New BYU research commissioned by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) shows a number of highway features that make accidents less likely. Among them are some that are intuitive: minimal hills and curves, paved right ...

Has the internet lead to fewer male drivers on the road?

(Phys.org)—While both young and middle-aged men and women are less likely to have a driver's license today than nearly 20 years ago, the proportion of male motorists is declining at a higher rate, according to University ...

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