Court sides with US in cell-tracking records case (Update)

The Justice Department does not have to turn over information on cases involving warrantless cellphone tracking if the cases ended without a defendant's conviction, a divided U.S. appeals court ruled Friday in upholding privacy ...

Wheeler says FCC won't allow Internet 'slow lane'

The nation's top telecommunications regulator defended his latest proposal to protect an open Internet, warning cable companies that manipulating data traffic on their networks for profit would not be tolerated.

US court weighs police use of cellphone tower data

A U.S. appeals court is wrestling with whether law enforcement has the authority to obtain and use records from cellphone towers, in a case that weighs the importance of people's right to privacy in the age of digital technology.

Authors Guild asks US court to rule against Google

The Authors Guild says that Google Inc. is stealing business from retailers and has asked a New York federal appeals court to find that the Internet giant is violating copyright laws with its massive book digitization project.

Court rejects early appeal of surveillance ruling

The Supreme Court has declined an early look at a constitutional challenge to the National Security Agency's bulk collection of millions of Americans' telephone records.

Judge orders preservation of phone data

A federal judge has directed the government to preserve phone data gathered under a National Security Agency surveillance program beyond a five-year limit.

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