Apple case cracks open e-books, digital goods pricing

A ruling by an American judge that Apple illegally conspired to fix e-book prices could boost competition in the market for all kinds of digital goods, including music and movies, analysts say.

Google rolls out ads to ease privacy concerns

Google Inc., under scrutiny from privacy watchdogs for changes it made to its search engine, is launching a splashy ad campaign designed to alleviate privacy concerns.

FTC extends antitrust settlement talks with Intel

(AP) -- Federal regulators will take at least two more weeks to work out details of a proposed agreement with Intel Corp. to settle charges that the giant chipmaker violated antitrust laws.

Google CEO doesn't see problem with his Apple role

(AP) -- Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt is taking a government inquiry into his role on Apple Inc.'s board in stride, expressing confidence that the probe won't find any evidence that the ties between the two companies ...

Voter group challenges Diebold voting machine sale

(AP) -- A voter advocacy organization asked the U.S. Justice Department Tuesday to undo the sale by Diebold Inc. of its voting machine business, saying the transaction promotes a monopoly.

Microsoft-Yahoo deal to face tough antitrust probe

(AP) -- The Internet search partnership between Microsoft and Yahoo faces a tough antitrust review in the U.S. and overseas, with approval likely hinging on whether the marriage would foster more competition with market ...

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