Unsaturated fatty acids play a role in winter hibernation

The duration of the periods for which animals hibernate in winter is affected by the quantity of unsaturated fatty acids that they absorb from their food. How animals react to an excess – or a lack – of unsaturated fatty ...

New use for passion fruit seeds discovered

The passion fruit is used around the world in juices, salads, syrups and even ice cream.  A team of researchers from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil have discovered that the passion fruit seed oils, which are typically ...

Gut microbiota regulates antioxidant metabolism

A recently published study shows that gut microbiota regulates the glutathione and amino acid metabolism of the host. Glutathione is a key antioxidant, found in every cell in our body. Deficiency of glutathione contributes ...

How methane becomes fish food

Methane is an organic carbon compound containing the fundamental building block of nearly all living material: carbon. It provides an important source of energy and nutrients for bacteria. Methane is produced in oxygen-free ...

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