Related topics: children

Frogs reveal mechanism that determines viability of hybrids

Why are some hybrids viable and others not? It is known that this depends on the father species and the mother species. New research in two related frog species shows the influence of mother and father species: One hybrid ...

All work and no play with children make moms less happy parents

A team of researchers from Cornell University, the University of Minnesota, and Minnesota Population Center have used time diary data to find that mothers are less happy than fathers with their parenting duties. Mothers report ...

Research shows the hands-on dad isn't a new phenomenon

The 21st Century dad – as defined by celebrity fathers such as David Beckham, Brad Pitt and Jamie Oliver – isn't a new phenomenon according to research from the universities of Manchester and Leeds.

Flies give another twist in the evolving story of heredity

Thanks to the father of modern genetics, Gregor Mendel, and his experiments cross-breading peas, the textbooks tell us that we know how inheritance works: we get 50% of our genes from our mums and 50% of our genes from our ...

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