Strange radio burst raises new questions

Astronomers have found only the second example of a highly active, repeating fast radio burst (FRB) with a compact source of weaker but persistent radio emission between bursts. The discovery raises new questions about the ...

Astronomers detect a new radio source of unknown origin

During radio continuum observations of a spiral galaxy known as NGC 2082, Australian astronomers have discovered a mysterious bright and compact radio source, which received designation J054149.24–641813.7. The origin and ...

Cosmic flashes pinpointed to a surprising location in space

Astronomers have been surprised by the closest source of mysterious flashes in the sky called fast radio bursts. Precision measurements with radio telescopes reveal that the bursts are made among old stars, and in a way that ...

The host galaxy of a fast radio burst

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are bright pulses of emission at radio wavelengths (seen mostly at wavelengths of tens of centimeters) whose physical mechanism(s) are mysterious. The bursts last between hundredths of a millisecond ...

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