Study puts a price on help nature provides agriculture

A team of international scientists has shown that assigning a dollar value to the benefits nature provides agriculture improves the bottom line for farmers while protecting the environment. The study confirms that organic ...

Autumn-sown crops produce better yield

Sowing non-legume perennial pastures such as chicory [Cichorium intybus L.] in early autumn rather than spring could increase productivity, according to CSIRO agricultural scientists.

Native shrub offers dining option in drier months

Farmers may be able to ensure their sheep have continuing feed during Australia's long, dry summers thanks to a model which can forecast the growth of a particular native shrub.

Toward a networked energy future

February 1, 2050, is a good day for German electricity consumers. The breeze off the north coast is blowing so strongly that offshore wind farms and the wind turbines on land are running non-stop. Since it's a sunny day, ...

How pesticides change the environment

The number of humans on the planet has almost doubled in the past 50 years ‒ and so has global food production. As a result, the use of pesticides and their effect on humans, animals and plants have become more important. ...

New method to age cattle from their teeth

Ageing animals from their teeth goes back to the time that man first started keeping animals. New research has applied modern statistical techniques to investigate the association between the stages of dentition in cattle ...

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