Can you predict how a disease will spread in a population?

How, when and where a pathogen is transmitted between two individuals in a population is crucial in understanding and predicting how a disease will spread. New research has laid the foundation for a new generation of zoonotic ...

Blockchain systems are tracking food safety and origins

When a Chinese consumer buys a package labeled "Australian beef," there's only a 50-50 chance the meat inside is, in fact, Australian beef. It could just as easily contain rat, dog, horse or camel meat – or a mixture of ...

Sterile farmed salmon can reduce genetic impact on wild fish

Interbreeding between escaped farmed salmon and their wild counterparts is a major headache for the aquaculture industry. Now Norwegian fish farming companies are raising one million sterile salmon in sea cages – for the ...

Bugs may be resistant to genetically modified corn

(AP) -- One of the nation's most widely planted crops - a genetically engineered corn plant that makes its own insecticide - may be losing its effectiveness because a major pest appears to be developing resistance more quickly ...

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