In search of rice to reduce methane emissions

Livestock, the petroleum industry and landfills are all leading producers of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. But another significant but less well known contributor is one of the world's most popular crops: rice. Rice plants ...

Simple management steps for a high fertility cycle in dairy herds

The dairy industry has seen a revolution over the past two decades in fertility success within herds. Widely adopted fertility programs are at the heart of this leap forward, along with the industry's increased understanding—and ...

Common veterinary drugs show effectiveness against bed bugs

Two common drugs used by veterinarians to combat parasites may be effective against bed bugs, with one showing especially strong potential, according to a new study from North Carolina State University that examined the drugs ...

Most in US want more action on climate change: Poll

Nearly two-thirds of Americans think the federal government is not doing enough to fight climate change, according to a new poll that shows limited public awareness about a sweeping new law that commits the U.S. to its largest ...

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