Strawberry farms threaten Spanish wetlands

Standing in the middle of a stretch of land surrounded by dunes and pine forest, Juan Romero examines the cracked ground then stares at the dusty horizon.

Robotic fish for environmental monitoring

A group of researchers from Centre for Automation and Robotics (CAR CSIC-UPM) in collaboration with researchers from University of Florence are designing autonomous underwater vehicles with biosensors to monitor water quality. ...

Physiological fish reactions biomarker for water quality

A research project developed by the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) and the School of Forestry at the Technical University of Madrid has studied how to use fish farms to detect ...

Europe-wide study investigates how agriculture affects rivers

Agriculture secures our food supply and is an important economic factor. However, it also leaves its mark on the environment, such as in soils, groundwater, and biodiversity. An international research team led by the University ...

Getting to the root of better crops

( —The more crop scientists know about how plant roots take up water and nutrients, the better able they will be to develop crop plants with roots that can cope with challenging soil and environmental conditions.

The shapes of shrimp farms affect their groundwater pollution

Coastal aquaculture has grown rapidly over the past few decades, and although ocean-based food supplies have increased, concerns about the environmental impacts of aquaculture have as well. For example, research has found ...

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