Fixing the environment: when solutions become problems

In a world where climate change, air and water pollution, biodiversity loss, water scarcity, ozone depletion, and other environmental problems overlap, a fix in one arena can cause trouble in another.

Long term ag change impacts stream water quality

In the early 1990s, Acton Lake in southwestern Ohio had a muddy problem. Large amounts of sediment from nearby farms were entering the lake's watershed. These sediments traveled through streams draining the landscape and ...

New research questions fish stocking obligations

Fish stocking as a fisheries compensation method in hydropower operations no longer meets latest legal and scientific requirements, according to a new study from the University of Eastern Finland. Published in Water International, ...

No farms, no food

Agriculture consumes more than 70 percent of the world's annual water usage. With small farms producing nearly 80 percent of food for the developing world, ensuring the quality and safety of our water supply is critical. ...

VTT develops piglet vaccination to reduce antibiotics use

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a vaccine, diluted into drinking water, to treat diarrhoea on piglets being weaned. The vaccine reduces the global resistance problem caused by excessive antibiotic use.

Closing the loop on sustainable aquaculture

On a farm just outside of Sacramento, hundreds of prehistoric-looking fish swim around in 50-foot diameter tanks. These are white sturgeon, the largest freshwater fish in North America. They've been around since dinosaurs, ...

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