Study shows the power of 'thank you' for couples

Gratitude has been a trendy sentiment in recent years—sparking an industry of journals, knickknacks and T-shirts touting thankfulness as a positive force in individuals' lives.

Teens with COVID-19 knowledge reported better well-being

A pandemic survey found that adolescents who answered more COVID-19 test questions correctly also reported lower stress, anxiety and depression as well as lower loneliness and fear of missing out, also known as FOMO.

How intimate partner violence affects custody decisions

Intimate partner violence (IPV) can have significant implications for the well-being of mothers and children during separation and divorce. Yet IPV is often not included in custody cases or factored into court decisions, ...

Celibacy: Its surprising evolutionary advantages

Why would someone join an institution that removed the option of family life and required them to be celibate? Reproduction, after all, is at the very heart of the evolution that shaped us. Yet many religious institutions ...

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