Family-friendly workplaces benefit employees, businesses

Paid leave and employee well-being are the focus of a three-part policy series on family-friendly business practices put together by the Brown School's Clark-Fox Policy Institute at Washington University in St. Louis.

Five-day work week builds work–life balance in construction

Construction workers typically work six days a week but research tracking a five-day work week in the industry shows flexibility is key to improving worker well-being, with minimal perceived impact on productivity.

Why are women cited less frequently than men?

Citation counts count. The number of citations is commonly perceived as indicative of a researcher's productivity and academic impact. It weighs heavily in considerations for hiring, promotion, funding allocation, and salary ...

Networking: An opportunity or an obstacle for women?

Networking can help to build and improve informal working relationships. When done right, it can be a mutually beneficial exchange among individuals or groups, often leading to new opportunities or even promotions, making ...

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