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A history of how Indigenous Americans discovered Europe

A new publication aims to challenge the accepted narrative that modern global history began when the "old world" encountered the "new"; when Christopher Columbus "discovered" America in 1492.

Guess who? Chimpanzee faces reveal family relationships

Researchers from the University of St Andrews have shown for the first time that not only do wild chimpanzees tend to look like their family members, but also some relationships are easier to detect than others.

Finding work-life balance with remote work

Before March 2020, the idea of remote work was not a realistic option for many businesses. However, the COVID-19 pandemic changed options drastically for employees almost overnight, and the remote work experiment began. Fast ...

Indigenous languages make inroads into public schools

Whenever November would roll around, James Gensaw, a Yurok language high school teacher in far northern California, would get a request from a school administrator. They would always ask him to bring students from the Native ...

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